PPFC Takeover

Ping Pong Fight Club’s pub­lic pilot event

After the suc­cess of the orig­i­nal Ping Pong Fight Club (PPFC) that tar­get­ed cor­po­rate busi­ness­es with an allo­cat­ed team build­ing bud­get, Ade at PPFC want­ed to test it out on Joe pub­lic – after all why cut out half your poten­tial tar­get mar­ket? How­ev­er to entice the pay­ing pub­lic to part with their mon­ey came with a whole new set of challenges.

Takeover Main Poster
Takeover Alt Poster

The Takeover mar­ket­ing need­ed to be more fea­ture-lead and less about the tour­na­ment and players. 

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