Jo Lever­such

Make-up Artist

Jo Leversuch Hero slide Anna Cleary4

Jo is an acclaimed make-up artist, work­ing inter­na­tion­al­ly to cre­ate her signature ​‘per­fect skin’.

Jo was ready for an updat­ed look that reflect­ed her cre­ativ­i­ty and pro­fes­sion­al­ism with­in the make-up and fash­ion indus­try over the last 20 years. 

A new visu­al iden­ti­ty and sup­port­ing brand assets were cre­at­ed then applied to web­site visu­als, social media plat­forms, face charts and busi­ness cards.

Square social post ovals 4 Instagram square gradients 2
Instagram square gradients 6 Square social post ovals 1

Jo’s Insta­gram pres­ence is cru­cial for her brand devel­op­ment, to find new work and gain recog­ni­tion. Poten­tial new clients usu­al­ly head straight to the social media plat­form before vis­it­ing a make-up artist’s website. 

A good mix of full frame close-ups of the make-up with edgy crop­ping, edi­to­r­i­al shots show­ing the make-up in con­text, oval pic­ture box­es and graph­ic gra­di­ents can be used to cre­ate an indi­vid­ual and con­sis­tent insta­gram grid.

JL Face shapes contouring Anna Cleary
JL business cards Anna Cleary

Web devel­op­er and co-cre­ative on Jo Lever­such – Tom Car­war­dine, Ad Art Design.