
Indi­an Café and Food Shop in the heart of the UNESCO World Her­itage site of Saltaire, West Yorkshire.

Curryosity Exterior 1

When the good folks from the World Cur­ry Fes­ti­val decid­ed to branch out and start their own restau­rant they called on me to cre­ate their logo and iden­ti­ty system.

Play­ing on the word Curios­i­ty’ the final iden­ti­ty uses the Pheaton font. For me it evokes a mod­ern take on a Vic­to­ri­an curios­i­ty shop which sits well with­in Saltaire’s Vic­to­ri­an his­to­ry and archi­tec­ture. The almost mono­chrome colour scheme and tra­di­tion­al sup­port­ing fonts cre­ate an under­stat­ed tone of voice that com­pli­ments the slight­ly fin­er din­ing cur­ry experience.

Curryosity Guidelines Pt1
Curryosity Business Cards Plain
Curryosity Moodboards

Café inte­ri­or mood boards show­ing sug­ges­tions of light­ing, fur­ni­ture, pho­tog­ra­phy and colour scheme.

Curryosity Interior 2 Curryosity Interior 3
Curryosity Shadow Logo

To add to the identity’s assets I used vin­tage tile vec­tors. Infini­tum num­ber of com­po­si­tions can be arranged cre­at­ing a unique pat­tern for each piece of col­lat­er­al. The tiles are a nod to the Irani café’s found in India. 

Appli­ca­tion so far includes shop front, menus, sta­tionery, leaflets, web­site and social media. As this start-up busi­ness grows the iden­ti­ty grows with it.

Pho­tog­ra­phy: Tom Avery