Green­er Girlington

Green­er Girling­ton is a com­mu­ni­ty based pro­gramme devel­oped by Well Brad­ford, part of the Brad­ford Teach­ing Hos­pi­tals NHS Foun­da­tion Trust which helps to cre­ate and enhance exist­ing out­door spaces and facil­i­ties avail­able in Girlington.

Girling­ton is an area of Brad­ford that has sad­ly slipped into depri­va­tion. Green­er Girlington’s vision is to clean-up and cre­ate green spaces with­in the Girling­ton area. By doing this they hope to engage, edu­cate and encour­age the com­mu­ni­ty to take own­er­ship of these spaces which in turn improves their health and men­tal wellbeing.

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The Sten­cil cap­i­tal G evokes an urban feel rep­re­sent­ing the Girling­ton area. The half flower is a sym­bol of mak­ing things bet­ter and brighter. A strong graph­ic means the Green­er Girling­ton text can afford to sit back and let the sym­bol do the work. 

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In addi­tion a mul­ti-icon G was cre­at­ed. Each icon rep­re­sents the many pos­i­tive ben­e­fits of the Green­er Girling­ton ini­tia­tive – from health and well-being to flo­ra and fau­na – all neat­ly arranged to sit with­in the cap­i­tal G shape. 

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Once the iden­ti­ty has been designed there comes the very impor­tant han­dover stage. I knew from the very begin­ning this iden­ti­ty need­ed to be sim­ple enough for non-design­ers to use with­in the Microsoft suite of soft­ware. As well as 65 icons each in the sev­en colours of the brand palette, I sup­plied visu­al guide­lines with instruc­tions on how best to use and com­bine all the assets to cre­ate a coher­ent and con­sis­tent visu­al iden­ti­ty across all media.